Friday, June 17, 2011

Just Write

Why is that so hard to do, to just write? I currently have 5 posts sitting in my queue. Posts I have started to write, but haven't finished. The words are swirling around in my head, but the minute that fingertips hit keyboard, they are suddenly gone. Where do they go?

I have been reading a lot of blogs about blogging recently. I am trying to rev-up my business blog.  One of the tips I keep hearing is to just write, get it all down. Then go back and edit. That is my problem, the self-censor. That thing that makes me go back and revise every little sentence that I write. There, I did it just now. And again. Meanwhile, the words that seemed so perfectly crafted while they were in my brain decide to go out for lunch without me.

There's that and maybe a little fear. Once I hit that "Publish Post" button, it is out there. In all its glory. For the world to see. For better or worse. Okay, I'll stop with the cliches', you get the point. I am going to press the button now. 


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